Amendment Proposal 1 

The current charter states, “Life memberships are available to members of the Florida Division who have previously completed requirements of S.C.V. Life Membership at the National level.

Florida Division Life Membership dues are set at a onetime payment of fifteen times the annual per capita Division dues and shall be exempt from future Division annual dues. Florida Division Life members shall be entitled to all the benefits of annual members of the Division. The Division Commander may, at his discretion, authorize a medal, badge, pin or device to identify such life members of the Division. The cost of any such medal, badge, pin or device shall be borne by the member.”    

Proposed revision. 

Life memberships are available to members of the Florida Division who have previously completed requirements of S.C.V. Life Membership at the National level.

Florida Division Life Membership dues are set at a onetime payment of fifteen times the annual per capita Division dues for members ages 12 to 64 years old and shall be exempt from future Division annual dues. Members who are 65 to 79 years of age can pay a onetime payment of one half of fifteen times the annual per capita Division dues for Division Life membership and members who are age 80 and over can pay a onetime payment of one quarter of fifteen times the annual per capita Division dues for Division Life membership. Florida Division Life members shall be entitled to all benefits of annual members of the Division. The Division Commander may, at his discretion, authorize a medal, badge, pin or device to identify such life members of the Division.  The cost of any such medal badge, pine or device shall be borne by the member.”

As is currently stands it is $225 to be a Division Lifetime Member for those 12 to 64.  It would be $112.50 for those 65 to 79 and $56.25 for those 80 and over.